SOS Tips for Impulsiveness

STOP: Breath Deeply and Count to 10
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STOP: Breath Deeply and Count to 10

Outbursts of rage are not uncommon in impulsive people. But often, when you are boiling on the inside, you don't always say the right thing. Other people feel hurt and feelings of guilt are often the result.

In order to avoid that, it is necessary to put a stop to the onset of rage. Say stop loudly and clearly to yourself, take a breath and count to 10. Let the "wave of anger" pass you by.

Extra tip: While doing this, clench your fists in your pockets. In this way, you can absorb your energy.

Sorting Through Thoughts
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Sorting Through Thoughts

In every situation, and when you are not so worked up, always consider exactly what you want to say to the other person.

Sort your thoughts and then formulate clearly and objectively what gets you worked up. Then you can avoid unintentionally hurting the other person, but you still express your wishes and thoughts.

Extra tip: In a tense situation, you can also leave the room and walk around the block to sort out your thoughts. This reduces your stress level.

Brief Relaxation Exercises
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Brief Relaxation Exercises

When you "see red," sometimes a little relaxation exercise can be helpful. For example, progressive muscle relaxation in accordance with Jacobson is suitable (in shortened form): Tense individual muscles one after the other, hold the tension for a few seconds and release the tension after a few seconds by exhaling. You will see that your mind also "calms down."

Tip: Courses on progressive muscle relaxation are offered in many adult education centres.

Change of Perspective
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Change of Perspective

In some situations, it may be useful to create a little distance from the precarious situation. You can imagine the scene is from a film you're watching from the comfort and safety of your couch.

Imaging the Consequences of Your Own Actions
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Imaging the Consequences of Your Own Actions

What happens if I react this way or that way? Always be aware of the possible consequences of your actions. For example, while driving, do you really have to take over that spot where you can't see? Even if there is a "slowcoach" on the road again? It pays to keep an eye on the consequences of your actions (for yourself and for the people who mean a lot to you).