Core Symptoms of ADHD: Attention Deficit Disorder

Pronounced attention deficit is one of the core symptoms of ADHD. Especially in adults with ADHD, it is usually this symptom that takes centre stage and often represents a severe challenge. This frequently results in problems while studying and at work.

Attention Deficit: Check List

Primary problems in connection with an attention deficit order are:

Inattention & Easy Distractibility:
  • People with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time
  • They find it difficult to stay on one topic for any length of time
  • "Procrastinitis"
  • Stimuli in the environment quickly lead to distraction
  • Disruptive thoughts quickly lead to distraction

Attention Deficit Disorder: Signs in everyday life

In everyday life, an attention deficit disorder can show itself in many areas:

  • Frequent careless mistakes (such as when filling in forms)
  • Decreased ability to concentrate at work
  • Avoidance of activities that require perseverance
  • Mislaying or losing everyday objects, always looking for something (such as keys)
  • Sensitivity to noise, pronounced distractibility
  • Frequent daydreaming that distracts the ADHD sufferer from completing a task
  • Problems staying alert in traffic
  • Communication problems in relationships (not being able to listen)

The consequences of such an attention deficit can sometimes be serious or be perceived as very stressful:

  • High risk of having accidents or sustaining an injury
  • Unnecessary loss of time, inner stress (such as when searching for misplaced objects)
  • Reprimands at college or at jobs due to "work unreliability"

Help with Attention Deficit Disorders

If you find your attention deficit to be very stressful, it's helpful to find a suitable form of ADHD treatment. Firstly, pay a visit to your family doctor or a psychiatrist/neurologist in your area.

In addition, there are simple behavioural measures you can take in everyday life to help you cope better with your attention deficit disorder!

Tips with attention deficit disorder

Attention Deficit Disorders: Recognising Strengths

Surprisingly: Attention deficit disorder can also have a positive side. Many people with an attention deficit disorder often have many strengths they just need to recognise. Such as:

  • Ability to multi-task
  • Imagination, creativity
  • Mental flexibility (quick rethinking)

Read more on recognising strengths.

Jana K. (28 years old) When I am busy with a task, disruptive or distracting thoughts that have nothing to do with the task at all constantly enter my head.
Paul R. (35 years old) It sometimes happens that I drop a glass from my hand – simply because I forget to hold it.
Achim W. (45 years old) I have stumbled many times or have even torn something, because I just do not pay attention to my surroundings.
Christina L. (26 years old) My mind is a sieve. If I don't write down everything that I intend or need to do, then I just forget. My entire kitchen is covered in post-it notes.